Saturday, June 13, 2020

My Journey Back


Blast Off

Getting lost is never a waste of time; especially on the way to Mars!

First of all, welcome back to the craziness of my mind. To say we are going through uncertain times is the understatement of the year! This blog will be used to record a project I am proud to start *more on this in future blogs*, some about my health, and some about my family. I will not be addressing  political views. In fact, my new project has been started as an healthy escape for my soul. Hopefully it can give you some relief as well. I'm glad that you are here. Enjoy.
"How dare you open a space man's helmet on an uncharted planet? My eyeballs could have been sucked out from their sockets!" ~ Buzz Lightyear      

In 2013, at the age of 41, I returned to college. My family and I referred to college as “My Journey to Mars.” I could see the moon, but was unable to reach Mars without a lot of hard work and effort. Going back to school would be a challenge but it was fun and very rewarding.
 "You just need to believe in yourself " ~ Rex …

Over the years, my definition of what Mars "looked like" has changed. In college I wanted to be a teacher. I had a desire to share with kids my interest and love of other things. I wanted to protect the innocent of childhood. Over time, I learned I didn't want to teach math to myself, more less to kids - ick!   
"The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present" ~ Woody ..

During that time it seems I was handed a road map with some holes. I'm certain "Siri" was yelling I made a wrong turn or two! So like any student I revised and re-evaluated my major in school. I loved environmental studies, social studies, science and travel. I started down a new educational direction and continued my 4.0 GPA.   
"Reach for the Stars!" ~  Woody  ...

In August of 2015, the unexpected happened ~ my brain was attacked. For no apparent reason, I had a brain injury. Unfortunately it’s something I still deal with daily. I will talk later throughout my blog about this issue. It's something that's taken time for me to have that "face to face" conversation with myself about. For now, just know that I have a brain injury.
"You got troubles and I got'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn’t do for you. We stick together, we can see it through 'cause you've got a friend in me" ~ Toy Story …

My journey to Mars didn’t stop .. At times, there’s been a giant “dragon” (my illness) standing in front of my rocket. At others, my spark may have gotten a bit lost. Let's just say my rocket needed to be refueled .. but it has never faded away.   
"This isn't flying; this is falling with style!" ~ Woody  …

Fast forward to 2020. Mars is still in the distance. What I’m learning now isn’t for school. It isn’t for a grade. It isn’t for anyone else but me. I will share it with you; but keep in mind it is my journey- you can come along with me if you wish. It is not for your approval. This may sound selfish but honestly, it’s exactly what this is- healthy and selfish - but hopefully fun and refreshing as well. I am very blessed to have my incredible husband along with my family and friends next to me for this journey.   
"You got a friend in me, you got a friend in me!" ~ Toy Story  …    

I think getting to Mars has always been about “chasing that dream,” or not being afraid to get lost along the way. My mom enjoyed getting lost sometimes. She would find things she had never seen before or find a new route home. This journey I’m on is not the direct path to Mars; but one way or another I will get there. I know my mom is guiding me through MY right journey ~ even if it's down a few dirt roads.. and yes dad and bro David, I’ll be sure to get my moon boot stuck in the mud!    
"To Infinity and Beyond!"  ~ Woody ...

Trust your journey!
Air hugs!

All quotes are from various Toy Story movies

Be sure to check out my pencil drawing on the next post called "You've Got A Friend In Me"

"You've Got a Friend in Me!"