Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The gift of love

Sunday 3-24-13

The gift of love

The kids are joking around, david is freezing outside with the bbq, and Sammy (the dog) wants attention. I do have to say Sammy is the smartest dog I've ever met. My brother said he's never really trained her but instead he talks to her a lot and she really does understand him. I've read those articles about dogs that can understand hundreds of words and she is one of those dogs. Allie and I chat and the dog plays while listening to see if she can hear any words she might recognize.

Tracey arrives and I can tell she is a little nervous to meet everyone. David and Tracey have been dating a couple of months now and today she not only gets to met Sean and Allie but also me.. The sister living in Oregon on an incredible journey thru Iowa. I can tell Tracey is somewhat shy today and careful with every word and movement. It reminded me of the times I met jeff's friends and family so many years ago. I clam up when I am in a new situation with people I barely know, especially when I dont want to say anything silly or embarrassing; so I completely understand her hesitations.

Tracey and I start talking and conversation is easy. I can tell she is a genuinely nice girl from Iowa with a very good heart. She owns her own daycare, she's taking college classes, She's a mom to 2 boys about tony's age (one who is adopted), and she is sincere with her words. And she can cook too; she brought some yummy calico chili beans along with two kinds of awesome deserts. No wonder my brother likes her, I'm wishing I lived closer to her so I could hang out more.

We ate our yummy bbq dinner with all the fixings. The ribs and tenderloin were cooked perfectly and they went well with all of the sides. I do have to say it was my favorite meal while in Iowa. It reminded me of homecooked meals from my honey back home. Jeff does 99% of the cooking at home (the other 1% is me reheating his meals in the microwave for Tony). Homemade cooking is awesome... Not only does it taste wonderful but its made with love. Some people cook because its a requirement to survive (me); some people cook because its a true paasion and they love to make something that makes others happy. It's a gift everyday to their family to show their love and appreciation. I try to tell Jeff thank u everyday for cooking, and I truly do mean it. I am very lucky to get such a wonderful gift of love each and every day.

It is cute watching David and Tracey together; in a new relationship. Tracey did not eat any ribs and I giggled because on my first date with jeff he took me Tony Roma's, which is famous for their ribs, and I ordered chicken because I was afraid to make a mess on my hands and face while trying to impress Jeff. Jeff not only ordered ribs, but he also wore a white long sleeved dress shirt. That was the day I learned jeff is a much neater eater than me. I smile though because I am reminded of jeff back home. Oh how I am starting to get homesick.

Its getting later and everyone will be going their separate ways soon, better get a few pictures to prove I really did get to see everyone. I'm gonna need something to hang on my walls when I get back home. Look over here, look over there. Snap, snap, now switch to the next set of people, snap, snap, smile. Ok you're all in the box.

We say our goodbyes. I wont see Allie or Tracey again before I leave so I make sure to give an extra hug goodbye to both. We get everything picked up and confirmed we had a really good day. A shot of Templeton rye whiskey made it complete .. Not bad for whiskey, pretty smooth actually and its even made in Iowa.

As david and I reflected on the day my mind found its way to Oregon, missing my family. I am so incredibly blessed. I have two awesome, energetic, smart, happy and silly boys. I also have a caring, loyal, spontaneous, fun, musically gifted, honest, handsome, encouraging, supportive husband back home who loves me with all of his heart. My brother asks me how do I make it (love and relationship) last. I dont know, it just works. I think of when jeff and I started dating. I had a lost and broken heart searching for who I was. I wasnt even looking for love, I didnt want anything serious. How could I love someone else when I didnt completely love myself. I had very little self confidence after coming from a verbally abusive relationship and love seemed like a fairytale in someone else's dream. Thankfully jeff was also looking for something fun and just wanted to see where life took us. A year went by and we were both like "huh, its been a year already?!" Two years went by and we were thinking "wow, we might actually have something here!" Marriage became a thought we tossed around every now and then. In the middle of the 2nd year we moved to Oregon together and by the end of our that year jeff proposed while we were in Vegas. A year later we married in Vegas! We dated for almost 4 years before we made that commitment. I knew I didnt want to rush anything and quite frankly I was scared and needed to have more self confidence before I could marry anyone. Jeff gave me the confidence and love I need. We were both at the right place in each of our lives to make it work. Jeff is very still encouraging and I know he loves me for who I am on the inside and has loved me thru every shape and size I find on the outside. Divorce is not a word we ever use or think about.. We just know the other one will always be here. We love traveling and making new memories together. We have our differences but we work thru them. I have learned to never hold a grudge; its ok to be mad or upset with each other, and my emotions are all ok to have, but talk it out or work thru it or go do something else for awhile, but let the anger go. I truly believe jeff is my soulmate and he completes me. We just understand each other and somehow we know what the other one is thinking. But this didnt happen overnight...we've been married over 12 years and together for 16. I tell my brother there is no race to the finish line or to get married, especially since a wedding is not the finish line. Its all one long journey and everyday is a gift you open and see what surprise is inside. Just try to bring a positive gift everyday and all should work out for the best.

As david and I are talking jeff emails me a poem. Jeff and I are going to be seeing each other in 3 more days! Before I left he told me it will be a full moon on the night we meet in Reno, so watch the moon and I will see our time together getting closer and closer.. Jeff's poem:

I saw my moon tonight, almost calling you
If you look up clearly, you can feel me tonight
Three more nights, the moon will shine on us
Three more nights, we'll hold each other tight

Something I need to remember: Everyday I am given the gift of love. Be sure share the gift of love with others and slow down... No just stop for 5 minutes everyday and truly appreciate those gifts. What made me happy today, what did I learn today? Did someone tell me thank u; did I tell someone thank u? What do I want tony to remember from today? Did I tell everyone I love u. Presents are only good if u give and receive them; Life passes by so quickly.. Tonight I am reminded I need to stop and open the presents everyday... Today I have been blessed with so many!   ♥


  1. This is a very sweet post. The day started out uncertain for me but ended up being one of the best memories I will treasure. And YES I was so nervous. Meeting family that may not like you or think your not good enough is scary. At least I knew Sammy all ready approved. The food was awesome, the company was great, and I do hope we get a chance to do it again. Maybe a little warmer weather would be better though. :)

    Love and hugs,

  2. Teary-eyed as I read your post; wonderful thoughts to reflect on every day, all through the day.

  3. CHRISTINA! I just read your blog...wow! I love that you documented your trip to Iowa. I love hearing about you, about my cousin. I'm so happy for you. Keep blogging girl...and I will keep following.
    Jeff is very lucky to have such a sweet, genuine, kind woman. Love to you guys. xoxo, Roberta

  4. I'm so happy that you have been able to move forward in your journey and let go of so many things. The joy of living and loving every day is an incredible gift. You are truly blessed!
    AUNTIE Lois Ann
