Sunday, March 17, 2013

3-15-13 I feel spoiled! I dont even know where to start. In 3 days I leave on a journey back "home". Hard to call it home when I havent been there in 22 years. But it's a place where I grew up and have so many memories. This travel East is bigger than just a road trip. There are many many emotions attached and for anyone other than myself it might be hard to understand the reasons why. Having said that this blog is a place for me to try and release many of those thoughts along with sharing this experience with my amazing husband and wonderful family. I've never done a blog so bare with me as I learn the process. So let the journey begin....wish me luck. :) I love u all!


  1. Great! Jeff just shared your blog address and I really look forward to reading of your adventures with Dot and Wanda! Be sure to post pictures, as many as you can, for those of us unfortunate enough to not be able to travel now in such a beautiful time of year. Love you and wish you a wonderful trip.


  2. Hi Tina! Glad you are writing so we can "go with you". In some ways I understand your return, and in many I'm sure I don't. It will be great to hear and see what you are writing about. When I take the time travel machine backward it always helps me to try to keep my head and my feet in the same place as I go. I love you. Travel safe.

