Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Press on

3-20-13 Tuesday - Press on...

Up up and (day 2) we traveled in three states( nevada, utah and wyoming). The morning was a fluff (the hair) and go kind of day. I had a really hard time falling asleep monday and my body was extremely tense still at night time. But a couple hours of tossing and turning and I finally fell asleep. We woke up well rested and ready to go. The I-80 was within reach and we were very ready to be on a "real" road. a few pictures later and we were saying goodbye to the "wonderful" city of winneamucca.

And off we went into the wild blue yander. Nevada is boring. The brown is a rough desert tumbleweed brown with nothing around. The air is dry and cool. Once we made it to the border we were very happy to see the salt flats of utah. That is until after about hr 2 or 3 of utah. :) utah is a neat state though. There are many mirages and reflections. Its probably dangerous because the land plays tricks with ur mind. You honestly see water in the salt flats that is not there. Its like the endless sea of water but without the water being real. And u see water on the roadways too. Another thing is that u can see the reflections of the clouds and mountains on the salt flats, the catch is most of the time there really isnt any water at all for the reflection. and when u do see real water we would always asked the other if the water is real. Very hard to explain if you have never driven thru on a bright sunny day. It was pretty and the mountains were nice too.

 Salt lake city wasnt as grand as I remembered as a child. This time, I was the one driving thru and the snow cover was limited. I had a semi that wanted to join me in my lane but thankfully we won. Then we pressed on towards park city and then on towards the border and on into wyoming. We took some awesome pics that I hope to figure out how to put on this blog. The rock formations are amazing. I think half my pics (prob more) are just the changes in colors of the rocks. Jeff said take lots of pics, he just didnt it meant seeing the red rock changing to green and changing back to brown rock. :) but when ur stuck in a car for days a different color is pretty cool. Its also neat as an adult to truly appreciate how different this countryside really is and just wonder how was that mountain made that way or how did that rock get on top of the other one in that way. Wanda and I both felt energized so we decided to press on to see how far we could get. A couple hrs later we found ourselves in rock springs, Wyoming ready for some sleep.

 When I was younger and learning how to drive I went on a road trip with my dad to texas. I got to drive a lot of the way and i remember clearly my dad saying "press on" as my instruction or approval that we were on the right path. On day 2 of this trip, I could hear my dads voice telling me "press on!" but somehow this time it meant more than just the physical road I was on, but instead reflected more about this overall journey. Press on... Go where the road leads .. See what I need to see, say hi to my brother (and have a beer or two), see the places I want to go, enjoy my visit .. but press on.. Dont get stuck in the past. Visit those memories but live the meaning of today. Find my closer but always remember my wonderful loving family back home.. press on.... ♥

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I don't know; red rocks turn to green to blue to red...that could be really interesting after a day of sand and tumbleweeds. Aunt Jewell & Uncle Earl loved the dessert and would stop to look for old bottles (from settlers travelling west) or seashells (from earlier days when the dessert was covered with water). But, when you're anxious to get to your brother's house, looking for bottles might not be as interesting as it could otherwise be. We took Tony to a Board meeting last night and he had a pepperoni pizza and watched a ball game with Tom while I watched the Board nominations (bored). We're all missing you and hope you, Wanda and Dot are having a great vacation!
