No turning back now 3-18-13
today was day 1 of our travels. My stomach has been in knots all day. Can barely eat.. From the moment jeff drove away i've been 2nd guessing if this is really the right decision. Now I'm all in.. No turning back; I can only move forward and count the days till I return home. Wanda and I talked for hours; she prob knows more about my life than she ever wanted to and we have only just begun. At first it felt like just a day long road trip with the thoughts of returning to my own family at the end of the night. we made it over 350 miles today and have landed in winnemucca... Which is the biggest town around but thats not saying much considering there is absolutely nothing around ... And I mean nothing! The road seemed to go on forever and it was pretty but it just kept going. Good thing we had a full tank of gas. We drove up and over this pretty steep mountain that was very windy.. My mom wouldve hated it! The elevation was 6200 ft or so and there were no guard rails on this skinny road. Neither wanda nor I wanted to look over but it sure wouldve been a pretty view. The funny thing about the 140 & 95 (the roads we were on) is that there were no other cars! Seriously you could count on 2 hands how many cars we saw in 3 hrs. its been very emotional for me.. Today just trying to handle leaving my husband and tony behind and david too was the hardest thing ever!! I havent even released the ball of emotions that is just related to going to iowa. Another day; another time for that. Today was simply the realization that I am going to iowa.. No turning back now... Sitting down for dinner it hit me; time to pick up tony from school but instead I'm lost in some town called winneamucca. after dinner we found the towns motel 6 and here we sit typing away trying to recapture this day. It is completely quiet in here... Only the tapping of us typing and the occasional text message. Very weird for me.. I'm used to the tv, tony, the dog barking, and m6sic going all at once.. Wansa is used to silence. Its nit a bad thing just eerie when your nit used to it. I have pics and once I have wifi I hope post with this entry. U'll be able to see the differences between Oregon and Nevada by the number of trees u can count and the tumbleweed u see. Nevada has had some nice clouds though. So on day one i am trying to embrace this journey but not to be too overwhelmed by the Pandor's box of memories I've opened. there are many more layors to unravel .. But I know I have many more days on the road. Thank God I get to fly home! I do look forward to getting there and I know seeing my brother will be awesome.. goodnight for now. Lyb!
Christina, Great experiencing your first day of travel. We're going out for lunch today to find a sandwich like yours. Hi to Wanda and Dot!